Men from Park Place Apartments visit during Guys and Pies

January 2025 Activities

January gave everyone at Park Place a chance to catch their breath and rest a bit after the busy Christmas season, but they didn’t rest for long! Folks rang in the New Year with music by Chris Ross and tasty treats, and soon after community friend Tom Jones and his family put on a lovely…


Park Place staff purchased gifts for residents and Santa delivered them at the Family Party

December Activities

What a wonderful December it was at Park Place! Heartfelt thanks to all the school and community groups who visited to share beautiful music, play games, do crafts and just give of their time. You all made the Season extra special! Thanks also to all the family and friends who attended our Family Party. It…


Assisted Living and Apartment ladies put together stockings for Grant County Holiday Project.

November Activities

November started out with ladies from the assisted living residence and the apartments putting together Christmas stockings for the Grant County Holiday Project. Stockings and hats were made by the Mission Sewing Ministry of the Platteville Free Methodist Church, and the ladies stuffed them with candy, holiday movies, a gift card and other goodies. Representatives…


Park Place Apartment tenants celebrated Halloween with funny masks

October Activities

A Ladies Pie Social started off the month of October. It’s always lovely to visit over delicious pie from the Country Kitchen! A community group called The Hat Loomers meet every Wednesday at Park Place, and some of our apartment tenants participate to knit hats for those in need around the community. A group also…


Some of the Park Place ladies enjoying a visit from Great Beginning Learning Center kiddos.

September Activities

September 8-14 was National Assisted Living Week, which is always lots of fun! The week started out with a lovely piano performance and “Remembering our Roots” with reminiscing and root beer floats on the patio. The kiddos from Great Beginnings Learning Center visited as well as the Vesperman Farms ice cream truck. Folks and staff…