Men from UW-Platteville fraternity serenade Park Place seniors.

April means spring and spring means Opening Day of Baseball! To celebrate, folks wore their favorite team shirts and enjoyed ballpark food and batting practice. The adorable pups from Belkennels came again for love and snuggles, and on a beautiful day some of the ladies played Peanut Butter Pong out on the patio. There was an after-Easter visit from the Easter Bunny and a wonderful performance by the men from Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Omicron Chapter at UW-Platteville. They even brought flowers! Foreign exchange student Moritz from Germany gave a presentation about his country and everyone got to try spaetzle with gravy, thanks to our fantastic kitchen staff. Some of the assisted living folks took the campus bus to Rural Route 1 Popcorn in Montfort, and near the end of the month, students from St. Rose Catholic School in Cuba City and Rolling Hills Church Youth Group visited. A wonderful month, indeed! To view photos, please click on the web album link below.

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